Wednesday, April 25, 2007

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Pozvolyu itself to remind that one additional prisoner expects his lot and is a possibility of selection. Entered the conversation third pair of boots. If our torture masters yet did not send it into Val'khallu.
Kodeks provides for in this case the duel, whose conqueror will obtain honorable death in the wolf pit.
No this scoundrel spoiled to me hunting! I want his blood. Small boots nervously pereminalis'. That more code requires duel in the case of the catching of spies. But that that this person spy, it is not yet proven.
to Vashe majesty, whom to it to be, as not by spy. It landed far from Okhotnich'go of house and tselenapravlenno goes on foot to its side, moreover it goes very secretly. In the remainders of its ship it is not

discovered geologorazvedyvatel'noy equipment and messenger himself appears very suspiciously. Our specialists could determine the characteristics of vessel, in spite of the fact that the newcomer attempted to

destroy it.
to Spat' to Sart perekhotelos'. The news heard by it in no way sounded with cradle. The fact that the platoon most likely not they will evacuate it was understandable, also, without the reminders, but the threat of

disclosure appeared very unpleasantly. The specialists of inquisition must now investigate black box, but anyone can in the confusion of the arrival of dignitary about the box and it will not recall. Not there was

selection. There remained only to devise as to be selected from the barracks unnoticed. Sart it little disturbed, that because of the charge in the desertion to the family of his predecessor they will not pay off the

pension of hero. But here is the prospect for the pursuit, which consists of the embittered platoon of infantry, it did not cause optimism.
Sart noiselessly dressed and by shadow sneaked to the output of the orderly by sleeping on the utility cabinet. Orderly imperturbable snored with the open mouth, with difficulty swallowing air. Sart's attention was

wholly concentrated on the pointduty and did not note, as one additional lanky shadow flickered by track in the bluish onduty illumination.
to Put' to to center administrations Sart overcame by sluggish jogtrot. Body rebelled and persistently wanted to return to the warm kazenuyu bed, from where it they took out with halfhour earlier. Bad predchustviye in

Sart appeared at the sight of cleanliness and order, which reigned near the entrance into the center. Even the rumpled doors, as if they polished to the luster and they looked how smoothly shaved face from the terrible

hangover. There were corpses, it goes without saying, not also in the mention, and this was pleased to Sart still less anything rest. It is not necessary to have seven spans in the forehead in order to calculate a

quantity of bodies and to compare with the remainder. Something told Sart that it is more to it into the barracks not to fall and substantial feeding for the kazenyy calculation was covered with copper basin. The troubles

did not end on this. Doors, although fairly beaten, proved to be closed whose that with caring hands. The same farsighted knobs cared also about the replacement of key. Sart's attempts to use old key were coldly

ignored by massive lock. Remained the alternate path, through the entrance, which they used for the rescuing Of nimruda, but now Sart was convinced that also it there awaits the fresh wall or guard of two three

broadshouldered young people in the gray cassocks. The prospect for encounter with them did not cause wild enthusiasm.
to Vzlamyvat' lock Sart even did not attempt. Without the special technology and several days, this is not actual. Instead of this it got tired it descended to the floor, after leaning by back on the uneven surface of


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

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in a Takim manner, expensive associate, leaves, that in Ivanushki not there were chances whatever in the limits of the permissible probabilities, which relate to the category the not- miracle. Deceived it cannot be,

run away also, yes even with force with the monster to be measured uselessly. It turns out that the topical algorithm in view of the processes closed from us became blind. Unfortunately, the described case is not

single. Here is list for my duty:
V to the zone of Е of snakes suddenly bit off the left hemisphere of the brain to Fedotu- archer. And this happened, where vegetarian interface was build it all monsters!
Zona of shchM2. Evil witch it was and he slowly dismembers daring fine person, in the hour on the piece. But indeed according to standarnomu algorithm everything must occur vice versa and it is much more rapid.
Zona 6 is flooded by the excited vampires, capable of noncontact krovososaniyu. Although according to system periodical one similar object was there loaded only, moreover the obsolete model and in the sleepy

state. The reasons for samokopirovaniya, samoaktivatsii and samomodernizatsii of vampires are not clear, indeed all known to us generators of accidents are located far beyond the horizon of events.
to Predvizhu your doubts, but I consider as the duty to report my guesses. Sagittarius and daring fine person, and also Ivanuwka- fool - no longer it is simple characters. These program objects are located in the

direct connection with the colleagues of our institute. The first is connected by psycho-interface with the chief of cadre service comrade Fedotov, the second - with the press- secretary Mr. udal'tsov. The third - alas,

personally with me. I please to consider that the loss and the injuries of play characters by destructive means influence the psyche and even somatiku of the persons, connected with them through the interface (I

apply the copy of its hospital sheet).

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ask her if it was Williams,

I said.
There was some murmuring at the other end and then Ursula's voice back again, She thinks so, yes.
You're a dear, Ursula, I said.
She gave an unembarrassed laugh. Do you want me to go on down the road to Rube Golby's place? He had a show pony Calder cured a fair time ago of a weeping wound that wouldn't heal.
Just one more, then, Ursula. It's pretty conclusive already, I'd say.
Best to be sure, she said cheerfully. And I'm enjoying myself, actually, now I'm over the shock.
I wrote down the details she gave me and when she'd gone off the line I handed the new information to Wyfold.
Clint, he said with disillusion. Elvis next, I shouldn't wonder.
I shook my head. A man of action, our Shane.
Perhaps through needing to solve at least one murder while reviled for not catching his rapist, Wyfold put his best muscle into the search. It took him only two weeks to find Shane, who was arrested on leaving a pub in the racing village of Malton, Yorkshire, where he had been heard boasting several times about secret exploits of undisclosed daring.
Wyfold told Oliver, who telephoned me in the office, to which I'd returned via a newly installed wheelchair ramp up the front steps.
He called himself Dean, Oliver said. Dean Williams. It seems the police are transferring him from Yorkshire back here to Hertfordshire, and Wyfold wants you to come to his police headquarters to identify Shane as the man called Jason at Calder's yard.
I said I would.
I didn't say that with honesty I couldn't.
Tomorrow, Oliver added. They're in a hurry because of holding him without a good enough charge, or something.
I'll be there.


I went in a chauffeur-driven hired car, a luxury I seemed to have spent half my salary on since leaving Oliver's house.
I was living nearer the office than usual, with a friend whose apartment was in a block with an elevator, not up stairs like my own. The pains in my immobile joints refused obstinately to depart, but owing to a further gift from Pen (via ) were forgettable most of the time. A new pattern of normal life had evolved, and all I dearly wanted was a bath.
I arrived at Wyfold's police station at the same time as Oliver, and together we were shown into an office, Oliver pushing me as if born to it. Two months minimum, they'd warned me to expect of life on wheels. Even if my shoulder would be mended before then, it wouldn't stand my weight on crutches. Patience, I'd been told. Be patient. My ankle had been in bits and they'd restored it like a jigsaw puzzle and I couldn't expect miracles, they'd said.
Wyfold arrived, shook hands briskly (an advance) and said that this was not a normal identity parade, as of course Oliver knew Shane very well, and I obviously knew him also, because of Ricky Barnet.
Just call him Jason, Wyfold told me, if you are sure he's the same man you saw at Calder Jackson's.
We left the office and went along a fiercely lit institutional corridor to a large interview room, which contained a table, three chairs, a uniformed policeman standing . . . and Shane, sitting down.
He looked cocky, not cowed.
When he saw Oliver he tilted his head almost jauntily, show¬ing not shame but pride, not apology but a sneer. On me he looked with only a flickering glance, neither knowing me from our two very brief meetings nor reckoning on trouble from my direction.
Wyfold raised his eyebrows at me to indicate the need for action.
Hello, Jason, I said.
His head snapped round immediately and this time he gave me a full stare.
I met you at Calder Jackson's yard, I said.
You never did.
Although I hadn't expected it, I remembered him clearly. You were giving sun-lamp treatment to a horse and Calder Jackson told you to put on your sunglasses.
He made no more effort to deny it. What of it, then? he said.
Conclusive evidence of your link with the place, I should think, I said.
Oliver, seeming as much outraged by Shane's lack of contri¬tion as by his sins, turned with force to Wyfold and in half-controlled bitterness said, Now prove he killed my daughter.