Kodeks provides for in this case the duel, whose conqueror will obtain honorable death in the wolf pit.
No this scoundrel spoiled to me hunting! I want his blood. Small boots nervously pereminalis'. That more code requires duel in the case of the catching of spies. But that that this person spy, it is not yet proven.
to Vashe majesty, whom to it to be, as not by spy. It landed far from Okhotnich'go of house and tselenapravlenno goes on foot to its side, moreover it goes very secretly. In the remainders of its ship it is not
discovered geologorazvedyvatel'noy equipment and messenger himself appears very suspiciously. Our specialists could determine the characteristics of vessel, in spite of the fact that the newcomer attempted to
destroy it.
to Spat' to Sart perekhotelos'. The news heard by it in no way sounded with cradle. The fact that the platoon most likely not they will evacuate it was understandable, also, without the reminders, but the threat of
disclosure appeared very unpleasantly. The specialists of inquisition must now investigate black box, but anyone can in the confusion of the arrival of dignitary about the box and it will not recall. Not there was
selection. There remained only to devise as to be selected from the barracks unnoticed. Sart it little disturbed, that because of the charge in the desertion to the family of his predecessor they will not pay off the
pension of hero. But here is the prospect for the pursuit, which consists of the embittered platoon of infantry, it did not cause optimism.
Sart noiselessly dressed and by shadow sneaked to the output of the orderly by sleeping on the utility cabinet. Orderly imperturbable snored with the open mouth, with difficulty swallowing air. Sart's attention was
wholly concentrated on the pointduty and did not note, as one additional lanky shadow flickered by track in the bluish onduty illumination.
to Put' to to center administrations Sart overcame by sluggish jogtrot. Body rebelled and persistently wanted to return to the warm kazenuyu bed, from where it they took out with halfhour earlier. Bad predchustviye in
Sart appeared at the sight of cleanliness and order, which reigned near the entrance into the center. Even the rumpled doors, as if they polished to the luster and they looked how smoothly shaved face from the terrible
hangover. There were corpses, it goes without saying, not also in the mention, and this was pleased to Sart still less anything rest. It is not necessary to have seven spans in the forehead in order to calculate a
quantity of bodies and to compare with the remainder. Something told Sart that it is more to it into the barracks not to fall and substantial feeding for the kazenyy calculation was covered with copper basin. The troubles
did not end on this. Doors, although fairly beaten, proved to be closed whose that with caring hands. The same farsighted knobs cared also about the replacement of key. Sart's attempts to use old key were coldly
ignored by massive lock. Remained the alternate path, through the entrance, which they used for the rescuing Of nimruda, but now Sart was convinced that also it there awaits the fresh wall or guard of two three
broadshouldered young people in the gray cassocks. The prospect for encounter with them did not cause wild enthusiasm.
to Vzlamyvat' lock Sart even did not attempt. Without the special technology and several days, this is not actual. Instead of this it got tired it descended to the floor, after leaning by back on the uneven surface of